"He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young."
~ Isaiah 40: 11

Friday, July 27, 2007

Harry Potter and more....

So I am a Harry Potter fan as are about a trillion other peole. I decided that I wanted to read all the books over so that the details would be fresh when I read the seventh book. I started on book #3 and am now reading #5 - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I can't wait to read the seventh book. My sister and mom have already finished it and said it was really good. But I don't want anyone to spoil it for me.
I enjoy stories and fiction. My favorite books are the Chronicles of Narnia because I love imagining about different worlds. I view Harry Potter as fiction and a story about a boy growing up and we (the readers) get to tag along on the wild ride through all of his adventures. My favorite character (well that is a hard choice) is probably Hermoine. I like her wit, intellect, and yet the fact that although she is smart she is cunning and adventurous. If she was a real person I would like to be her friend!!!! (I know I am weird!)
This week while I am reading Harry Potter, working, and doing all sorts of things to prepare for my trip. I met with a man named Mr. Chou who is from Taiwan and we had dinner together. He told me all sorts of things about Taiwan. It was really helpful to talk to a native of Taiwan to get a national perspective. He told what to eat and how to greet people. He also gave me a lesson on how to use chop sticks!!! Meeting and talking to him made me even more excited and ready to go to Taiwan. I have about two and a half weeks left of work and a little over a month left before I fly to Taiwan. So time is moving, slowly but surely. Before I know it I will be living in Taiwan. I want to enjoy my time in Augusta and not anticipate things too much.

I found these incredible pictures of Taiwan...

I am trying to enter into communion with God more. I tend to go through my day and forget about communicating with Him and reading His Word. God forgives my disobedient and defiance but yearns to have me in His presence and worshiping Him. I want to experience what it is to be completely human on earth and that is when I am worshipping God and glorifying Him. Pray that the Holy Spirit will transform me and give me the want to want to pray, praise, glorify Him, and read His Word.
- Until Next Time,

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