"He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young."
~ Isaiah 40: 11

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

On the flip side of vacation

Hey all....
Last week I joined my extended family at the beach in North Carolina. When I was little we would spend at least one week every summer at the beach with my relatives. I have many fond memories of swimming in the ocean and catching waves, of fishing with my uncle, and playing all sorts of make believe games with my cousins. We have many family traditions at the beach. One, in my opinion is quite humorous, is that we go to the fisherman's peir and eat breakfast. Now you have to picture this peir - it is pretty weathered and rustic. The women that serve the food at the peir have been their for what seems like forever. But if we miss eating at the peir during the week the vacation is not complete.

It was a great week. I got lots of rest. Worked on my tan - now I look the normal shade of white and not the pasty ghostlike white that I had acquired from working under flurescent lights. We had a cottage on the beach front and so the view was incredible. I love closing my eyes and listening to the waves crash.

It was hard to go back to work to say the least. I plan to put my two weeks notice in August 1st. I am so ready. Target has treated me well but I am starting to feel the "senioritis" bug. You know when you were a senior in highschool or college and all you wanted was "freedom" and you were ready to plunge into the next part of the journey of life. That is how I am feeling right now.

- Amanda

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