"He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young."
~ Isaiah 40: 11

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Daily Walks on the River

After a busy day of helping students, proofreading, talking Chinglish, and ministering to students I head with some of the teachers and sometimes some students down the hill to Juwei to walk along the river. We usually walk while the sun is setting and it is beautiful. It is a great break and respite to separate the afternoon and night activities. We see tons of dogs ranging from huge sheep dogs to itty bitty shitzus and puffy cocoa poodle type dogs. I love the dogs because I miss my parent's zoo of animals (4 dogs and 2 cats!). The dogs run around and try to dodge all of the bikes. Great entertainment! Here are some pictures...

Ok, so these pictures are when the tide is out so the beauty of the river is not as evident. But believe me it's great.
Until next time...

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